The Dredge Commandments

Willard Says……

The Language is Archaic, The Message is Modern

The 10 Commandments of Dredging:

I. Thy boat must float at all times.

II. Thy deposit must be pumpable.

III. Thou shalt not pump an excess amount of water.

IV. Thou shalt not bow down to the false god of dredge pump efficiency. Honor dredge system efficiency.

V. Thou shalt hold fast to a constant velocity and a constant pump speed to reap a constant rate of solids production.

VI.Thou shalt cause an excess quantity of pumpable solids to be continuously available at thine suction inlet.

VII. Thou shalt fit thine suction inlet with an effective digging device.

VIII. Thou shalt fortify thy dredge with effective means of maneuver lest ye find thyself unable to keep thine suction inlet immersed in pumpable solids.

IX. Thou shalt arm thyself with means to measure and regulate the rate at which solids enter thy dredge system.

X. Thou shalt keep holy the means by which to measure and regulate pipeline velocity.

Heaven is the uninterrupted movement of high-density slurry through the discharge pipe at target velocity.